Helene Femme [art

  • i want to get lost in the shades of summer.

    i want to get lost in the shades of summer.

  • his 'n' hers.

    his 'n' hers.

  • teaser: machoverlag vernissage im helmhaus zürich, 7.1.11

    teaser: machoverlag vernissage im helmhaus zürich, 7.1.11

  • i love girls, girls, girls.

    i love girls, girls, girls.

  • you and i could have a love affair that would last forever.

    you and i could have a love affair that would last forever.

  • a crush a day keeps depression away.

    a crush a day keeps depression away.

  • bend over baby.

    bend over baby.

  • i'll have candy all the time.

    i'll have candy all the time.

  • eine, der es gut geht, sie weiss das, aber sie spürt es nicht.

    eine, der es gut geht, sie weiss das, aber sie spürt es nicht.

  • behavior over aesthetics.

    behavior over aesthetics.

  • buchtipp: the beautiful.

    buchtipp: the beautiful.

  • die mit dem wolf tanzt.

    die mit dem wolf tanzt.

  • nackte tatsachen.

    nackte tatsachen.

  • love is like a butterfly, it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.

    love is like a butterfly, it goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.

  • der tod steht ihr gut.

    der tod steht ihr gut.

  • reclaim the walls.

    reclaim the walls.

  • this is my land.

    this is my land.

  • power paintings.

    power paintings.

  • the beauty of booty.

    the beauty of booty.

  • nature is so sudden she makes us all antique.

    nature is so sudden she makes us all antique.