Helene Femme [2009-11-22

  • best made co:

    best made co:

  • mario testino:

    mario testino:

  • jean-baptiste mondino:

    jean-baptiste mondino:

  • karl lagerfeld:

    karl lagerfeld:

  • i'm just a simple girl swimming in a sea of sharks.

    i'm just a simple girl swimming in a sea of sharks.

  • und dann fiels ihr wie schuppen von den augen.

    und dann fiels ihr wie schuppen von den augen.

  • komm an meine brust.

    komm an meine brust.

  • stand and deliver.

    stand and deliver.

  • hello little boys little toys.

    hello little boys little toys.

  • a drawing a day keeps the doctor away.

    a drawing a day keeps the doctor away.

  • maise maud broadhead:

    maise maud broadhead: