Helene Femme   +  Let's meet a fashion girl

Let's meet a fashion girl... Chiara Ferragni
Hi guys! First of all, I'm not gonna give any award (why I started the blog) I decided that I just gonna to show you my favorites blogs for you to love them 2!
I'm gonna start with my favorite favorite one, Chiara Ferragni from THE BLONDE SALAD.
This italian 23-years-old blogger have followers all over the world loving her stylish and btw she's a lovely girl! She also have a shoes collection.
I know, that may all of you know her, but this section of the blog called "Let's meet a fashion girl" is the section in which I'll show you the Best Fashion Blogs.
So, let's do it! Here you are some pics of TBS blog:Now don't forget to visit her blog:THE BLONDE SALAD xx,Eve.